HE Yan1, WU Xiao2 |
1. School of Business, Anhui University of Technology, Ma'anshan 243032, China; 2. School of Architecture, Southeast University, Nanjing 210096, China |
Abstract Based on the perspective of "intra-household labor division", this paper conducts an empirical analysis on large low-income residential areas in Nanjing, explores commuting routes of different groups under "multiple situations", compares and interprets the types of restrictions and spatio-temporal response patterns, and further verifies the influencing factors of commuting behavior through a model. The findings indicates: 1) 21 commuting routes were selected from 36 possible situations by three groups of commuting under the interaction of time, space and family division of labor. 2) Different family division of labor mode, the commuter travel space and family division travel participation has different correlation, mainly reflected in the intergenerational division of family labor and other division of labor mode; 3) It shows that the intrahousehold labor division of intermediary effect, such as the family size and constitute the more complex, the more employment, the more likely to trigger the intergenerational division of family model.
Received: 23 October 2023
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